The thing about El Paso is it is really dry. My skin is even oily and I am still dry to the point that I get cracked skin and Kady gets excema regularly. I have tried regular lotion, natural lotion and even prescriptions. They either make us itch more, burn or plain don't work. So after my desperate, last minute mix of coconut oil and shea butter soothed Mackynzie's diaper rash when nothing else did I thought this recipe might be worth a shot. The beeswax is added to harden the oils, but once you hold the bar in your hand it melts enough to put on easily.
Natural, easy to make and perfect for little hands.
Equal parts coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax. I melted the ingredients in a "double boiler".
Then I poured them in a mini muffin pan sprayed with vegetable oil.
It only took about 15 minutes to set and then I popped them in the freezer for about 5 minutes so they pulled away from the pan. They came right out and Kady couldn't wait to try one. She approves. So do I! No more lotion from the pump all over the bathroom sink! I would use this for really thirsty skin....not for a light lotion. I will work on a recipe for that and keep you posted!